Secret of Mana Stardust Herb 1.3
by hmsong, Kethinov,
   Queue, and Timbo     Dec 2019

This hack restores the unused consumable item back into the game as the "Stardust Herb." The new item's name and graphic are based on the item of the same name from the other Mana series games. It functions as though Dispel Magic were cast on you, removing positive status effects and uses Dispel Magic's high level animation. Unlike Dispel Magic, the Stardust Herb will also dispel Lucid Barrier and Moon Energy.

The drop table and shops have been edited to make it possible to acquire this new item along with some other slight adjustments to improve dissatisfying drops.

There is also a companion hack called "Mint Flavored" which offers an alternative green (minty) color palette for the new item.

Important things to note:

- This hack is not compatible with Faerie Coconut and they should not be combined.
- This hack is not compatible with Magical Herb and they should not be combined.
- This hack is compatible with Drop Table Balance if Drop Table Balance is applied first.
- Because this hack modifies the shops, it may not be compatible with other hacks that modify the shops.

Drop changes:

- [monster]      [old common] / [old rare]     → [new common] / [new rare]
- Rabite:        Candy / 4 GP                  → Candy / 30 GP
- Buzz Bee:      Candy / 22 GP                 → Candy / 50 GP
- Mushboom:      14 GP / Candy                 → 30 GP / Candy
- Chobin Hood:   34 GP / Candy                 → 60 GP / Candy
- Iffish:        Nothing                       → Stardust Herb / Faerie Walnut
- Kid Goblin:    28 GP / Head Gear             → 50 GP / Headgear
- Specter:       Faerie Walnut / Cup of Wishes → Cup of Wishes / Faerie Walnut
- Polter Chair:  44 GP / Barrel                → 60 GP / Barrel
- Ma Goblin:     60 GP / Power Wrist           → 80 GP / Stardust Herb
- Dark Funk:     Candy / Faerie Walnut         → Stardust Herb / Faerie Walnut
- Nemesis Owl:   Medical Herb / Quill Cap      → Medical Herb / Stardust Herb
- Steamed Crab:  Faerie Walnut / Candy         → Chocolate / Faerie Walnut
- Howler:        Candy / Medical Herb          → Stardust Herb / Medical Herb
- La Funk:       Faerie Walnut / Cup of Wishes → Cup of Wishes / Faerie Walnut
- Bomb Bee:      Medical Herb / Royal Jam      → Stardust Herb / Royal Jam
- Mushgloom:     Chocolate / Barrel            → Stardust Herb / Barrel
- Trap Flower:   Medical Herb / Candy          → Medical Herb / Royal Jam
- Dinofish:      Nothing                       → Stardust Herb / Faerie Walnut
- Mimic Box:	 Faerie Walnut / Royal Jam     → Faerie Walnut / Barrel
- Spider Legs:   Chocolate / Candy             → Chocolate / Stardust Herb
- Weepy Eye:     Medical Herb / Chest Guard    → Medical Herb / Stardust Herb
- Marmablue:     Faerie Walnut / Cup of Wishes → Stardust Herb / Faerie Walnut
- Gremlin:       Candy / Royal Jam             → Stardust Herb / Gauntlet
- Dark Knight:   Magical Armor / Gauntlet      → Stardust Herb / Magical Armor
- Doom Sword:    Cup of Wishes / Guardian Ring → Medical Herb / Guardian Ring

Shop changes:

- [old item]     → [new item or ' for no change]

Dwarf Village:
- Candy          → '
- Medical Herb   → '
- Cup of Wishes  → Stardust Herb
- Rabite Cap     → Cup of Wishes
- Head Gear      → Rabite Cap
- Midge Robe     → Head Gear
- Chain Vest     → Midge Robe
- Spikey Suit    → Chain Vest
- Wristband      → Spikey Suit
- Elbow Pad      → '
- Power Wrist    → '

Pandora 2:
- Candy          → Chocolate
- Medical Herb   → Faerie Walnut
- Cup of Wishes  → Stardust Herb
- Head Gear      → Cup of Wishes
- Spikey Suit    → Head Gear
- Kung Fu Dress  → Quill Cap
- Elbow Pad      → Spikey Suit
- Power Wrist    → Kung Fu Dress
- Cobra Bracelet → '

Upperland Neko:
- Candy          → '
- Chocolate      → '
- Faerie Walnut  → Royal Jam
- Medical Herb   → Faerie Walnut
- Cup of Wishes  → Medical Herb
- Head Gear      → Cup of Wishes
- Quill Cap      → Barrel
- Spikey Suit    → Quill Cap
- Kung Fu Dress  → Steel Cap
- Power Wrist    → Fancy Overalls
- Cobra Bracelet → '

- Candy          → '
- Chocolate      → '
- Faerie Walnut  → '
- Medical Herb   → Stardust Herb
- Cup of Wishes  → '
- Quill Cap      → Steel Cap
- Steel Cap      → Golden Tiara
- Fancy Overalls → '
- Wolf's Band    → '

- Chocolate      → Candy
- Faerie Walnut  → Chocolate
- Medical Herb   → Faerie Walnut
- Cup of Wishes  → Medical Herb
- Golden Tiara   → Cup of Wishes
- Racoon Cap     → Golden Tiara
- Chest Guard    → Raccoon Cap
- Golden Vest    → Chest Guard
- Silver Band    → '

- Chocolate      → Candy
- Faerie Walnut  → Chocolate
- Medical Herb   → Faerie Walnut
- Cup of Wishes  → Stardust Herb
- Golden Tiara   → Cup of Wishes
- Racoon Cap     → Golden Tiara
- Chest Guard    → '
- Golden Vest    → '
- Silver Band    → '

- Chocolate      → Candy
- Faerie Walnut  → Chocolate
- Medical Herb   → Faerie Walnut
- Cup of Wishes  → Medical Herb
- Golden Tiara   → Stardust Herb
- Racoon Cap     → Cup of Wishes
- Quilted Hood   → Racoon Cap
- Chest Guard    → Quilted Hood
- Golden Vest    → '
- Ruby Vest      → '
- Silver Band    → '
- Golem Ring     → '

- Chocolate      → Candy
- Faerie Walnut  → Chocolate
- Medical Herb   → Faerie Walnut
- Cup of Wishes  → Medical Herb
- Quilted Hood   → Stardust Herb
- Tiger Cap      → Cup of Wishes
- Ruby Vest      → Quilted Hood
- Tiger Suit     → Tiger Cap
- Tiger Bikini   → Tiger Suit
- Silver Band    → Tiger Bikini
- Golem Ring     → '
- Frosty Ring    → '

Gold Isle:
- Chocolate      → '
- Faerie Walnut  → Royal Jam
- Medical Herb   → Faerie Walnut
- Cup of Wishes  → Stardust Herb
- Unicorn Helm   → Cup of Wishes
- Dragon Helm    → Unicorn Helm
- Duck Helm      → Dragon Helm
- Flower Suit    → Tortoise Mail
- Battle Suit    → Flower Suit
- Shield Ring    → Gold Bracelet
- Lazuri Ring    → Shield Ring

- Candy          → '
- Chocolate      → '
- Royal Jam      → '
- Faerie Walnut  → '
- Medical Herb   → '
- Cup of Wishes  → Stardust Herb
- Dragon Helm    → Cup of Wishes
- Duck Helm      → Dragon Helm
- Tortoise Mail  → Duck Helm
- Battle Suit    → '
- Gold Bracelet  → Lazuri Ring
- Lazuri Ring    → Guardian Ring

Grand Palace Neko:
- Candy          → Chocolate
- Chocolate      → Royal Jam
- Royal Jam      → Faerie Walnut
- Faerie Walnut  → Medical Herb
- Medical Herb   → Stardust Herb
- Cup of Wishes  → '
- Barrel         → '
- Needle Helm    → '
- Vestguard      → '
- Gauntlet       → ' 


- hmsong: Graphics programming, drop changes, shop changes.
- Kethinov: Item handler programming, text programming, packaging, releasing, screenshots, README writing.
- Queue: Code refactoring, graphics programming, "Mint Flavored" programming.
- Timbo: Came up with the idea and created the original "Mint Flavored" graphic.


- 1.3: Added "Mint Flavored" companion hack to provide alternative color for the new item.
- 1.2: Modified the drops and added Dwarf Village shop edit.
- 1.1: Revised Grand Palace Neko shop.
- 1.0: Initial version.