29 Month Multi Shard Ultima Online Account
29 month AOS-enabled account with well developed characters on Atlantic and Great Lakes.
Characters on Atlantic are better developed but characters on Great Lakes have more money/resources.
All characters have 710 skillpoints and 225 stats.
Atlantic characters have 230 stat capacity.
Many characters are scrolled.
Total of 10 well developed characters for you to explore!
There are also newbie characters on almost every other shard which have tons of gifts given to them for various holidays etc over the last few years. That way, if you decide to start on a shard other than Atlantic or Great Lakes, you already have an advantage there too. :)
Account also comes with UOAssist already bought and paid for.
Please take the time to let all the screenshots load. The screenshots really speak for themselves, as there are details in the screenshots you won't find in the text that you may find interesting. This is a fantastic account on which you can build a great fortune in Ultima Online! :)
Details Atlantic Shard:
Character Gerret Aegis:
7x gm hally mage, built for PVP
Has neon hair/beard
Has 230 stat capacity
Has unused personal bless deed
Has two runebooks with various useful spots marked
Comes with newbiefied items which can no longer be created
Comes with a generous compliment of armor and weapons
Comes with a generous supply of reagents and potions
Comes with a horse which can be bonded the first time you feed it

Character La Mer:
5x gm mule, scrolled tailoring, and well developed other skills
Character has eaten a 115 tailor scroll
Has neon hair/beard
Has 230 stat capacity
Has a full set of mining locations runebooks among other useful marks
Comes with newbiefied items which can no longer be created
Comes with a generous compliment various mule-related supplies
Comes with holiday gifts and hundreds of BODs
Comes with a beetle which can be bonded the first time you feed it

Character Gatsby:
Has 110 fencing
Has various other highly developed skills, is ready for battle
Has neon hair
Has 230 stat capacity
Has unused personal bless deed
Has six runebooks with various useful spots marked
Comes with newbiefied items which can no longer be created
Comes with a generous compliment of armor and weapons
Comes with a generous supply of reagents and potions
Comes with a horse which can be bonded the first time you feed it

Character Janus Kethinov:
Barely unfinished pure mage, definitely PVP worthy
Has neon hair/beard
Has 230 stat capacity
Has unused personal bless deed
Has blessed bandana made with extremely rare nightmare cloth (not to be confused with tailor BOD charcoal cloth)
Has three runebooks with various useful spots marked
Comes with newbiefied items which can no longer be created
Comes with a generous supply of reagents and potions
Comes with a generous supply of holiday gifts, including 16 pairs of snow! (Snow ownage!)
Comes with a horse which can be bonded the first time you feed it

Character Adaline Forcha:
Tamer/Treasure Hunter, 6xGM, 97.4 taming
Has neon hair
Has 230 stat capacity
Has seven runebooks with various useful spots marked
Comes with newbiefied items which can no longer be created
Comes with a generous supply of reagents and bandages
Comes with a generous supply of Treasure Maps
Comes with some highly rare blessed jewelry
Comes with a nightmare horse which can be bonded the first time you feed it

Details Great Lakes Shard:
Character Gerret Aegis:
Well developed PKer, can tame his own horses, who needs an ethy!
Has 101 murdercounts :)
Has neon hair/beard
Has unused personal bless deed
Has two runebooks with various useful spots marked
Comes with newbiefied items which can no longer be created
Comes with holiday gifts

Character Janus Kethinov:
Eval fencer, built for pure offense PVP
Scrolled fencing
Has neon hair/beard
Has unused personal bless deed
Has a runebook with various useful spots marked
Comes with newbiefied items which can no longer be created
Comes with a generous compliment of armor and weapons
Comes with holiday gifts
Comes with nearly 1k each reg
Comes with 1 million gold!

Character Effigy:
Disarm thief mage, designed to steal a dexer's weapon then kill him with magery
Good skillset
Has neon hair/beard
Has unused personal bless deed
Has a runebook with various useful spots marked
Comes with newbiefied items which can no longer be created
Comes with holiday gifts, some of them stolen ;)
Comes with silver coins from the days when I had him factions :)

Character child laborers:
Mule with the coolest makers mark :)
Good skillset, needs lot's of work though
Has unused personal bless deed
Has a runebook with various useful spots marked
Comes with newbiefied items which can no longer be created
Comes with lots of sandals with colors that no longer spawn
Comes with tons of BODs and holiday gifts
Comes with many thousand of each reg
Comes with leather, special, and black dye tubs
Comes with a horse which can be bonded the first time you feed it
Comes with roughly 100k gold

Character Julian Karnor:
Hally Mage with good skillset built for PVP
Has unused personal bless deed
Has a runebook with various useful spots marked
Comes with newbiefied items which can no longer be created
Comes with holiday gifts
Comes fully armed

Winner of the auction will recieve account name and password once payment has been verified. My contact info is below:
ICQ Number: 39169924
AIM Handle: Kethinov
Yahoo Handle: Kethinov
MSN Handle: kethinov@hotmail.com
E-mail address: eric@halo43.com