Written on: 2005/08/28.
Pics of this semester's dorm room: | ![]() |
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Written on: 2005/08/25.
A quick GNU screen reference...
Unfortunately GNU screen was designed with obscurity in mind. Most people want to use it to run / monitor terminal programs from multiple locations using ssh.
Here are the things you need to know to do that:
screen -S myscreen
Creates a new screen session named myscreen.
Key combination: Ctrl+A+D
Detatches a running screen session.
screen -r myscreen
Reattaches the screen session named myscreen.
screen -list
Lists all screens.
These are the four basic things you need to know to use screen effectively. Why they're not clearly stated in the nauseatingly long man page at the top is beyond me.
Written on: 2005/08/14.
New design. It's based off of a combination of the Bluecurve (Strawberry) and Clearlooks themes for Linux. Tweaks and refinements perhaps forthcoming.
Written on: 2005/08/12.
For anyone who wants to install VMware 5 on Fedora Core 4...
It's a pain in the ass.
First of all, the VMWare team doesn't support your Linux distro. So after you install it, but BEFORE you run vmware-config.pl, you have to get the vmware-any-any update from http://ftp.cvut.cz/vmware/. (This guy rocks.) Download the latest update (I used update 93) and run the runme.pl. Once it's done, it'll execute vmware-config.pl for you.
However, you might get an error when compiling your VMWare modules that looks something like this: gcc: installation problem, cannot exec 'cc1plus': No such file or directory. The reason for this is that even though you were a good little Fedora Linux user and you ran yum groupinstall "Gnome Software Development" and yum groupinstall "KDE Software Development" prior to attempting this VMWare install, you still don't seem to have g++. So you'll have to yum install gcc-c++ too.
YMMV, but it fixed my VMWare problems. Good luck.
Written on: 2005/08/11.
Wow, just wow. I never thought Nautilus, the wireless ISP I've had to deal with in southeast Kansas for so many years now could get anymore ridiculous.
But Robin Boyer challenges my assumptions once again and shows me just how clinically paranoid he actually is. Behold this screenshot. Notice the URL I tried to go to in Firefox...
Yes, no joke, Mr. Boyer blocks BitTorrent.com and replaces it with a rant about spyware and viruses. Because, yes, we all know that the official bit torrent website is a dangerous and malicious website! It's not as if anyone uses Bit Torrent to download the latest Fedora Core release or anything.
Run for the hills! BitTorrent.com "has been purposely designed to infect your computer with SPYWARE, REMOTE CONTROL SOFTWARE, MALWARE, HIJACK YOUR WEB BROWSER, [and] generate endless PORNOGRAPHIC POPUP ADS on your display!"
And worse yet, my Linux machine may be INFECTED! Uh oh, I better download Ad Aware and Spybot Search & Destroy quick! Maybe I can run them with WINE or something...
BTW, just so you know the guy's truly nuts and not just a tiny bit paranoid, the idiot had sourceforge.net, freshmeat.net, and slashdot.org all blocked in a similar manner at one point until I called and complained.
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